Saffron and pests

James Waddick
Fri, 07 Nov 2014 14:52:07 PST
My remedy to grow saffron is to grow them on a hillside among  over 500 daffodils. The deer, voles and mice avoid the area all year even in winter. When the Daffodils are blooming there is no sign of saffron and when Saffron is blooming, the weather has turned enough that the critters just avoid the entire area.

	Win win.		Jim W. 

ps I can barely grow other crocus in the garden unless they are near daffodils or pretty isolated. 	

On Nov 7, 2014, at 3:30 PM, Mark BROWN <> wrote:

> Halleluja!
> Finally a remedy for deer! And voles.

James Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd
Kansas City, MO 64152-2711
Phone     816-746-1949

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