Sharing seeds of rare plants

Peter Taggart
Wed, 12 Nov 2014 13:50:04 PST
I was asking a nurseryman, last week, about the niceties of distributing
red list plants. He wouldn't go into it, just said " to propagate like mad,
and distribute far and wide to anyone  and every one." As he does himself !
The Australians seemed to get things about right with the Wollemia nobilis,
and I think that the same has been done with some Clivias.
Peter (UK)

On 12 November 2014 21:31, Ron Mudd <> wrote:

> So disappointing that true enthusiasts are legislated against growing ( or
> sharing for free...

> Unfortunately the major
> botanical institutions do not help the situation as, instead of
> coordinating efforts to rationally resolve this situation, they pretend to
> go along with the legislation, whilst surreptitiously leaking rare plant
> material to 'amateur' acquaintances. Then when budgets are slashed, they
> appeal, to those denied, for financial assistance. Reap and sow !
> Its true that I feel better for venting my feelings, but unfortunately
> simply posting here will change nothing. Unless people take real control of
> their immediate environment nothing will change :(
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