A number of years ago I was in England. A friend I was visiting said he would give me some named Galanthus cultivars. I had an import permit. Phoned APHIS at Kennedy Airport and spoke to the man in charge. Suggested that since Galanthus are not native to the UK and we were talking about a total of maybe 6 bulbs - how about my friend and I would go to a notary in his town and attest to the cultivated origin of these named Galanthus cutivars. No, he told me. I needed government level export and import documentation. I guess maintaining the letter of the law was the important concern. The intention of protecting the plants was not. Speaking of which, and staying with Galanthus - do you know the story of Nancy Goodwin in North Carolina? She went to a local hardware store and bought something like 100 Galanthus nivalis. Only they began flowering in December. Turns out they were all Galanthus elwesii monosticta. No doubt there was the necessary paperwork but a bulb is a bulb is a bulb. For sure these were all wild collected. Judy in incredibly foggy New Jersey, frantically trying to prepare for the Polar Vortex due to arrive tomorrow night. --- This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active. http://www.avast.com/