Appendaged stamen

Sun, 16 Nov 2014 13:03:40 PST

A stamen appendage would be an "extra" structure on a stamen, which
normally consists of only the filament and the anther. They may be simple
or elaborate, colored (or not), textured (or not), etc. The evolutionary
origin of these structures varies (fusion with staminodes, outgrowth of
filament, fusion with tepals, etc.) so that in one group of plants the
appendage may be something very different in its anatomy and function than
in another group. Different terminology is used as well depending on the
group and on origin and degree of fusion, e.g., cup or paraperigone in
Hymenocallis and Narcissus. Snijman (1994) in treating the Hessea group
notes some Hessea species have filaments with an "adaxial hook" and this
would be a type of appendage.

Dylan Hannon

*"The greatest service which can be rendered any country is to add an
useful plant to its culture..." --**Thomas Jefferson*

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