The limiting factor in saffron production is that each flower only produces one pistil with a single branched style. Using plant biology's favorite model plant, Arabidopsis, genetically modified plants can already be produced with flowers consisting of any floral organ in place of any other floral organ. For example, Arabidopsis flowers with pistil tissue (including the style) in place of stamens, petals, and/or sepals. It's a relatively simple matter to find homologues of the same floral architectural genes in other plant species, including monocots. That was 20 years ago. Imagine a genetically modified Crocus sativus plant with flowers consisting of multiple pistils with a corresponding bundle of numerous orange styles (with or without the tepals, depending or whether tepals are still deemed necessary to protect the bundle of styles). Increasing the number of pistils per flower is one likely future of commercial saffron production. Nathan