Honeybees, pollinator study

T O enoster@hotmail.com
Fri, 14 Nov 2014 14:51:39 PST
Nectar is not produces as abundantly as pollen on many plants, and can easily be depleted in a day. Nectar is often produced in the morning in many species, so once a flower is depleted it won't produce any more that day. In drought this dearth can last for days until there is surplus moisture for nectar production.

On flowers with nectar beyond the reach of bees, some bees will steal nectar by biting a hole at the base of the flower tube. Bumblebees are the common culprits, with honeybees often using the same holes.

There in fact have been studies revealing the presence of Varroa and Tracheal mites in native bee populations. If I remember correctly I have also read a study identifying Deformed Wing virus in some bumblebee populations. See http://www.americanbeejournal.com/ and join the newsletter to receive such papers on honeybee studies.


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