Amorphophallus paeoniifolius 'Thailand Giant'

Nicholas plummer
Sat, 08 Nov 2014 18:29:26 PST
After unpotting my Amorphophallus paeoniifolius 'Thailand Giant' for winter
storage, I have a few extra offset tubers--too few to send to the BX and
perhaps too large, though still very small for an Amorphophallus.  This is
a vigorous form and very easy to manage, despite its size.  It grows well
in a large tub outdoors during the summer, and the tuber sits dry on a
shelf in winter.

So...If anyone is dying to grow an Amorphophallus that may eventually reach
nine feet tall, I'd be interested in trading the extras.  I'm most
interested in South American amaryllids, particularly Hippeastrum species.
Small seedlings or offsets are fine.  Email me off list if interested in a


Nick Plummer
Durham, NC, USA.  Zone 7

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