Thanks, Jim x3 (Waddick, Shields, McKenney - what are the chances?) for your excellent advice about sowing lycoris seed. I just hope I got my request in to Dell on time. Jim W., in answer to your question, I haven't seen a lot of Lycoris squamigera around here. I've planted a few clumps and am hoping that eventually they get well-established, but I have to say they aren't looking too good. Bulb fly is always a possibility - I know my Sternbergia lutea numbers are diminishing on account of those. I haven't dug any lycoris to check. On the upside, Nerine bowdenii continues to do pretty well here, in a protected location fairly near the foundation. 'Nikita', which is an ethereal pale pink, is the first to bloom, therefore the most successful; but a white form and a vigorous typical screaming pink are also doing fine. Last night's light freeze doesn't seem to have harmed the flowers; 'Nikita' is in glorious full bloom. Next summer I may move them in even closer, if for no other reason than that I'm likelier to throw something over the flowers on cold nights. My impression is that the bulbs themselves are quite hardy. Ellen