
Ina Crossley klazina1@gmail.com
Wed, 05 Nov 2014 14:47:43 PST
I have been on Facebook for a couple of years now.  An amazing place for 
bulb enthusiasts.  In fact, it has been wonderful to connect with others 
who are into Rainlilies.

I gave up on the PBS forum as there was so much that was of absolutely 
no interest to me, and the wangling over spellings etc. Yes, a lot was 
worth while knowing, but that is on Facebook too.

The PBS website is an amazing source of info.  The number of FB members 
who refer to it is also amazing.

If only the 2 could be welded together!

I thought I would check on what I have missed out on with the BX this 
year in the way of seeds.  And what do you know, there was a heap of 
Rainlily seeds in April.  Wow!  Until I looked and they were the ones I 

The PBS has wonderful, knowledgeable people, and so does Facebook. 
Wonderful where the two overlap.

For those who want to respond to this email, remember, I no longer 
follow the forum.

Ina Crossley
Auckland, New Zealand

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