green-white Crinum
Tue, 03 Jan 2006 17:26:31 PST
Hi Gang,

There are some very attractive white-flowered Crinum that I have seen.  There 
are not too many white C. bulbispermum but I have seen an attractive plant 
called C. bulbispermum 'Album' (or 'Alba').  

Marcelle has worked with the Jumbo hybrids for a number of years and produced 
some really pretty flowers, but one of the most interesting are some she 
calls green-white Jumbos.  Some are prettier than others.  One of the best so far 
has long trumpet-shaped blooms of pure white but with nice green keels.  Of 
course they look like Crinum, and not Easter lilies, but I'm reminded of Easter 
lilies by the green-white types.

I've put up a photo of one that has no name; Marcelle calls it "best 
green-white" or "green-white No. 1."  

LINK:  Crinum bulbispermum, green-white…


Conroe Joe
(Still unseasonably warm here, my January-blooming Nerine sarniensis hybrid 
is happy but would prefer cooler nights).   

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