Growing Haemanthus/scadoxus from seed

Dell Sherk
Sun, 22 Jan 2006 05:39:18 PST
For those of you who will be sowing Doug Westfall’s H/S seed from BX 114 or
for those who are just interested in the process, Doug has written the
following advice on the subject:


The mix that I use for MOST Scadoxus seeds is as follows:

    Start with most any sandy, well draining mix. I include perlite, sand,
peat, and a little redwood

    Add an equal amount of ³fine² mulch - I use the commercial Super soil.

    Mix well.

    Place in 4 to 6 inch deep pot/container.

    Place about 1/4 inch seed starting soil (Scotts or Miracle Grow or ?)


    Place & space seed and press them into the soil.

    Do not let the ³planter²/mix dry out, but do not keep ³soggy.²


    Unlike other Scadoxus seeds, S. membranaceus seedlings can take two
years to send up leaves. The roots will be growing (and can be gently
³checked² by impatient growers). The ³points of the young seedlings MAY be
visible at the soil surface.


    At a full two the two and a half years, the seedlings may be transferred
to pots using the same soil moisture. place a layer of mulch over the top of
the soil (Most Scadoxus LOVE mulch).


    It has taken me several years to learn just how much Scadoxus do love
mulch and how much. The rain forest growers ³like² the most. Now I have some
Scadoxus blooming in 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 years (sometimes a little longer).


    If more information or discussion is wanted, my Email is available.

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