Hippeastrum seeds

Hans-Werner Hammen haweha@hotmail.com
Fri, 20 Jan 2006 19:57:28 PST
Greetings from Duesseldorf, Germany

Hello Darren:

Thank you for your feedback.
I hope you can take profit from my explanations and raise great hippeastrums 
respecting my simple recommendations.
I think that the most critical point (if it IS ever critical)  is the 
watering frequency.
The best results are obtained if you let the substrate dry out to the 
particular stage when the leaves of (some of) the seedlings just BEGIN to 
lose their surface glossiness.
The frequency of watering based on this observation gives STILL better 
results than slavishly watering every 4th day!

And there is one other observation I have really no rational explanation 

I found out that this watering from above gives better results when I 
perform that in the evening, and I put the boxes back into the light bench 
not before the next morning. It seems that the wetted plants do NOT like 
exposition to brightness. In this case they tend to loose their particular 
surface sheen for a certain time.

I like to show you some amaryllid seedlings of one other genus:
from seeds I received, labeled  as "Cyrtanthus mackenii hybr."

These are now 7 months old.
It can be clearly seen that one of these is in an uncommon manner surpassing 
the others.
I am optimistic that this one will bloom in fall 2006.

I am looking forward to all the blooming 2- and 3-y Hippeastrums (and other 
amaryllids) cultivated by the elucidated newsletter readers *g*

Gardener's amaryllis are indeed to reach bloomable state in this short time 
- provided that this cultivation technique is consequently followed and the 
plants are replanted in coco peat as well afterwards, with further 
administering of adequate light from above  - and lukewarm water from below, 
containing diluted mineral fertilizer every time.

Best wishes

>From: "Darren Sage" <darrensage100@hotmail.com>
>Subject: Re: [pbs] Hippeastrum seeds
>Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 01:17:15 +0000

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