aquatic bulbs
Sat, 28 Jan 2006 15:14:53 PST
Dear All, Dear Lee,

There is one aquatic bulb I have read about but never seen it nor heard 
anything in the list: Oxalis aquatica. As far as I know it is a bulbous Oxalis, 
the leaves and flowers floatin on the water surface like a miniature water 
lily. Has anybody ever grown this or does anyboy know of a source for this 
plant? It should be a most interesting plant for a small water garden.
I agree with Lee that bulbous aquatics are a most fascinating group of plants 
as they have driven the adaptaion to the very extreme from submerged in water 
during the growing season to dormant bulbs in dry(-ish) soil during dormancy.

greetings from bone hard frozen Germany, Uli

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