Pre-season sale up to 30% off

Floral Architecture
Mon, 16 Jan 2006 08:25:45 PST
I'm offering clivias and other bulbs on sale. 
  Email me for a current list or check out the web site, . 
  Some of the items are out of stock but most are still available. I'm offering 20% off until the end of Jan. All prepaid orders receive an additional 5%.
  All the items on the website are on sale. Discount will be given after purchase. 
  Some society's members will receive an additional 5% discount. That's 30% off regular prices. 
  Prices are subject to availability. 

John Ingram in L.A., CA. "Your Clivia Connection"
310.709.1613 (cell, west coast time, please call accordingly. Thank you)

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