My local Shoprite here in New Jersey, along with primroses and dwarf daffodils, is selling pots of three different African Beauty® lachenalia - clear yellow Romaud, terra-cotta tipped yellow Fransie, and green-tipped rose-red Rosabeth. Nice full pots with 5 bulbs at $12.99 per pot. Fransie was in excellent condition, Romaud looked stretched, and all the pots of Rosabeth had two or more damaged flower spikes. I may go back and see what can be negotiated . . . On Sunday I was at Wave Hill, that fabulous public garden in Riverdale, the Bronx. There were several pots of South African bulbs on display in the conservatory - Romaud (a nice full pan, daintier in size than the rather bloated supermarket offerings), Moraea polystachya, and Chasmanthe floribunda var. duckittii. Judy in soggy New Jersey when a very mild January has provided 5 inches of rain rather than 4 feet of snow.