
James Waddick
Thu, 26 Jan 2006 08:44:33 PST
>  I am Aaron Floden, I currently live in Manhattan, Kansas.
>  My garden is in eastern Kansas (Z5/6) just south of
>Kansas City, one half hour(depending on how fast you
>drive) south of Jim Waddick, in a completely different
>climate, soil, and all the rest.

Dear All;
	Seems silly to welcome Aaron to the list since I welcome him 
to my door more often. And surprised he wasn't already a regular (but 
may have been lurking?). His garden is at the southern end of Kansas 
City (mine in the north end of town) and he can make it here in half 
an hour, but it take me closer to an hour to drive (at the speed 
limit !) to visit him.
	He commutes from Manhattan KS (KS St Univ) to home at light 
speed and goes planting hunting at the drop of a hat (or less) with a 
fantastic eye for finding variegated and unusual natives. Then I can 
sometimes talk him out of later.
	I had the pleasure to introduce him to Tony Avent a week or 
so ago over lunch and then sat back for their 'drone' on Trillium 
collecting spots. Not too painful (wink).
	So he grows a lot of bulbous plants- many from seed - and 
will surely add to the list as his class time (or avoidance of class 
work) and fiance Heather, permits.
	Welcome		Jim W.
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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