> I have no experience with Rhodophiala but recently got seed from Osmani > Ballosa. These were R. bagnoldii and R. advena. Following the advice on > his > website I soaked these in water at 15 centigrade for 3 days. Several seeds > started to germinate and I then planted them. My question is, what > temperature should I now keep these at? They are winter growers and 15 > centigrade seems rather warm. Does anyone have experience of growing these > on after germination? > Thanks in anticipation.. > > Paul Cumbleton > Berkshire, U.K. > Zone 8 Hello Paul, I have winters here in Phoenix, Arizona, USA with outside daytime temperatures 5-20C and nights -8 to 5C. I would think an unheated glasshouse or cold frame in your Zone 8 would duplicate this. I ordered these and other seed from Osmani and followed his directions, leaving the jars with water on my kitchen counter. A few sprouted. I removed these and planted them into sandy soil and put them outside where they would not freeze. They grew. I left the remaining ones floating in the jars. I put the seeds into a small strainer every week and rinsed them off with a stream of water to wash off any fungus that might be trying to get started, and then I returned the seeds to floating on the water in the jars. I think a tea strainer would work fine. After a few weeks nothing had happened, so I put the jars in the refrigerator (not freezer) for a week and then returned them to the counter. A few more sprouted. I repeated this warm-cold cycle 4 times. There are only a few seeds left that did not sprout. The seedlings really do like full sun from the start. The earlier ones I left in the house to get "established" don't look as good as the ones that went outside right away. Thank you, Osmani. I'd order more right now but I'm getting ready for 3 weeks visiting plants in Mexico. Yes, I'll take pictures! But there won't be many bulbs in bloom or even in leaf. Leo Martin Phoenix Arizona USA