Giving thanks/flooding

Susan Hayek
Mon, 02 Jan 2006 19:33:38 PST
Diana wrote:

>The New Year in the Ferndale valley where I live in northern California was
>an exciting one.  We have been experiencing a series of very severe storms
>in California, and the Eel River and most of the valley flooded during these
>storms, with Humboldt County declaring a state of emergency.  Susan Hayek
has some very dramatic photographs of the flooding, since she lives on the

I do have dramatic photos.
Anyone interested in pictures of our local flooding, I've put up some 
on my website.
Remember, our river is usually a little ribbon winding its way out to 
sea. We live on the east side of the river, just a property and 
freeway away, Diana lives on the west side.
And...the pictures you are seeing on tv of the NorCal flooding is 
probably the Bay Area (SF) or Napa in wine country, slightly north. 
We are 5 hours north of SF.
We are located in an area known as the Lost Coast (behind the Redwood 
Curtain); we don't make the news, usually.

Diana's hometown is marked by the yellow arrow.

My grandson, Noah, looking at his hometown, which is also Diana's, 
from our house across the valley. At this time his town was 
unaccessible, roads flooded on all sides. My daughter has the 
children 3 1/2 days week and luckily she picked them up before the 
surrounding valley flooded.

The bridge into Ferndale was built in 1911 and one of two concrete 
bridges like this in the world. The west side of the bridge as it 
enters the valley was flooded, so no cars were allowed to use the 

It's too bad something so destructive can be so beautiful. You are 
looking at Diana's town, Ferndale, before we all lost power. A lot of 
the lights at the middle of the Valley are dairy barns. They stayed 
on even during our power outage. The cows have to be milked.…
Can you find the Ferndale town Christmas tree?

Sun on flood waters makes for good lighting for photos.…

susan, who is.....
owned by Jasper & Schubert the Standard Poodles, Gracie the 
Rhodesian, Pup-Quiz the Basenji and their Basenji brother, Jones.... 
on the North Coast of CA, USA, copyright 2005

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