Further-- on predator urine repellents for small mammals. Source

Stephen Putman putman@pobox.upenn.edu
Sun, 01 Jan 2006 15:04:10 PST
How do you think they get the coyotes, foxes, and bobcats to urinate 
into the little bottles?

Happy New Year.

Steve Putman

Adam Fikso wrote:
> The old-time Shumway's garden catalog I got the other day-- lists coyote, 
> fox, and bobcat urine @ $13.75/ 8 oz. together with 30-day dispensers @ 
> $1.60 ea. I have not checked to see if Cabela or an outdoor outfitter might 
> have different prices and quantities.   Shumway has been in business in the 
> midwest since the middle 1800s.  If they say something works...it likely 
> does.    Their catalog on line is at http://www.rhshumway.com/  the  urines are 
> listed under the heading of GARDEN SUPPLIES, then under PEST CONTROL , and 
> then under REPELLENTS.
> They also suggest using ricinus (castor bean plants)  interplanted with your 
> favorites to discourage  moles, etc.
> Personally, I'd put a drop or two about every 15-20 square feet in a garden 
> bed to see how it worked.    And, I'd try coyote and fox urine before that 
> of other predators, just because our current population of bobcats 
> nationwide is so scarce that  most voles, moles, mice and squirrels are not 
> likely to have learned about them.
> Also, coyotes and foxes  have been predators of most small animals for a few 
> thousand years, now, and the information about avoiding them is likely to be 
> hard-wired into their brains.   I think that any successes would be worth 
> reporting on.    I also note that squirrels and chipmunks here, only dig up 
> my newly-planted crocus bulbs before they've gotten roots--when they still 
> smell like stored starch and don't have their other chemistry established as 
> a result of growing.
> Regards to all and happy new year.     Adam  Fikso in Glenview-- Further 
> Zone 5a (Chicago area) 
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