> Griffiths' general recommendation was to scatter the seed in drills one > inch deep in August and to expect germination (i.e. leaves above ground) > the following spring. I seem to recall Lilium needing light for germ., and so, shallow sowing is my usual plan. An inch deep would keep moisture consistent - very helpful. I am tempted to try deeper. I may have missed the original message suggesting edge sowing. For thin flat seeds that put out a root in the cold season and then wait until spring to send up a leaf (like these lilies, I think), I would expect the old seed shell would be gone or mush by the time the leaf pushed up. I wonder what the reason edge sowing might be helpful. If there was overlapping, that might lead to rot. Maybe the procedure just helps avoid overlap? If it was explained earlier, no need to repeat. KellyO Kelly O'Neill Wet Rock Gardens Flower Farm U-Pick and more at the farm (open by appointment November thru February): 2877 N 19th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 To contact us: * Business Office for mail or by appointment only: gardens@wetrock.com * 1950 Yolanda AVE http://www.wetrock.com/ * Springfield, Oregon 97477