Lilium Pardalinum Seed

Jim McKenney
Mon, 23 Jan 2006 07:23:02 PST
Kelly, the western North American lilies do not need light to germinate. 

Late in March of 2005 I started about a dozen lots of seed of western
American lilies. The seed was from the 2005 seed exchange of the North
American Lily Society. The seed was placed in a moist mix of crushed granite
and pine bark in a zip lock  bag. The bags were placed in the refrigerator. 

Most began to grow during the summer, and by autumn some had started to put
up foliage. They got no light during this period except the brief bit when
the refrigerator door was opened. 

The seeds themselves are still intact in many cases, still attached to the
seedling now a year later. 

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7 where we had the peculiar
pleasure of hearing rain overnight in January. 

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