Lilium Pardalinum Seed

John Longanecker
Thu, 19 Jan 2006 20:43:56 PST
L pardalinum seeds respond well to about 3 months cold treatment but more 
will not harm them as long as you monitor dampness of the medium.  They are 
ready to plant in "warm" (I set out in pots in the garden any time after 
they sprout) conditions when a  white root is visible.  The seed coat will 
still be attached and there may be a cotyledon emerging opposite the root.  
I spread the seed on the growing medium and cover with about 3/4 inch 
medium.  Once they emerge from the medium as small plants, you should 
protect from hard frosts and preditors such as slugs and birds. In the 
California sub-alpine/mediterranean climate where they grow wild, the 
sprouting medium is usually saturated peaty soil which provides a temperate 
condition during spring weather variations.  In the garden, damp, 
well-drained mulchy soil will enable pardalinum to grow and bloom and 
hopefully multiply.  They like tight cool growing quarters and even slab 
rock beneath them, provided the drainage isn't impaired.

John Longanecker,
zone 7 banana belt
Sierra Nevada foothills, CA

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