Hi, This list gets a fair amount of spam and sob stories/contest ruses and viruses which we administrators delete. We also get a lot of requests for help with information about something that has been discussed on our list and found from Google. If we know the answer we respond or if we can think of someone who might know then forward the question to that person. Otherwise we suggest the non member join our list and asks the question. Most of the time we never hear from those people again, but a few of our members have joined that way. I'm making an exception this time because I am a Calochortus fan. I guess that is administrator privilege. There are two people currently working on a book on Calochortus that I am aware of and I'm a good candidate for buying both of them. One of them sent this non-member question to our list. If anyone knows the answer please contact Brad Carter. His email address is bradcarter at aol.com. His message is below. Mary Sue Hi, I have heard that C. invenustus grows in the Bodie Hills in Nevada. Can anyone confirm seeing it there? Brad Carter