underground pest control

Liz Waterman lizwat@earthlink.net
Thu, 12 Jan 2006 17:33:31 PST

*I thought I'd pass along this information to some people with gopher 
problems. I came across this in a CRFG (California Rare Fruit Growers) 
newsletter and it sounds like a method that might be useful for some people 
with gopher, or similiar problems.

*UNDERGROUND EXTERMINATOR* ­ Manning Products, P.O. Box 995, Duluth,Georgia 


This is a gopher, mole, vole burrow fumigation device. It is a rubber 
coupling device

that connects the tail pipe of your vehicle to a garden hose. You turn on 
you vehicle

and pump carbon monoxide (car exhaust) via the garden hose into a pest’s 

A CRFG member from Watsonville reported using it with success.

*It can be ordered online and delivered to a local store; Ace or other)
http://acehardware.com/product/index.jsp/… *

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