
aaron floden
Thu, 26 Jan 2006 21:05:30 PST
 No offense taken to this mis-naming.

 Thanks for the welcomes.
 I have lurked, after joining, for about two months
and even before that I have read through many of the
archives before I joined.

 I grow many things in pots, but I try to plant things
out as soon as I think they can handle it. The only
thing that stay in pots are those many, ever
increasing, tropicals. All the plants are grown on my
parents property, almost a full 2 acres. I plan on
moving to the Asheville, North Carolina area, but that
will have to wait and see. I hope the climate does not
force me to leave certain things behind when the time
comes. I manage the gardening on Saturday's when I
make the 2 hour drive from here to there and then back
on Saturday evening to start/finish homework.

  I forgot to mention that I grow many species Lilium
and have done well with quite a few, but formosanum
still gives me trouble. I have a bunch of formosanum
coming along in pots but none, not even var pricei,
will grow outside. All the other species stay outside
in the garden.

 Lachenalias are great, especially the pustulate and
mottled ones. I have about a dozen species that are in
there 2nd year. Also Massonias.

 I have several collections of Zephyranthes atamasco
that have wintered here in Z5 also. And many
collections fo Hymenocallis occidentalis.

 All the best, 

 Waiting for spring,
 Aaron Floden


--- James Waddick <> wrote:

> Dear All;
> 	Seems silly to welcome Aaron to the list since I
> welcome him 
> to my door more often. And surprised he wasn't
> already a regular (but 
> may have been lurking?). His garden is at the
> southern end of Kansas 
> City (mine in the north end of town) and he can make
> it here in half 
> an hour, but it take me closer to an hour to drive
> (at the speed 
> limit !) to visit him.
> 	He commutes from Manhattan KS (KS St Univ) to home
> at light 
> speed and goes planting hunting at the drop of a hat
> (or less) with a 
> fantastic eye for finding variegated and unusual
> natives. Then I can 
> sometimes talk him out of later.
> 	I had the pleasure to introduce him to Tony Avent a
> week or 
> so ago over lunch and then sat back for their
> 'drone' on Trillium 
> collecting spots. Not too painful (wink).
> 	So he grows a lot of bulbous plants- many from seed
> - and 
> will surely add to the list as his class time (or
> avoidance of class 
> work) and fiance Heather, permits.
> 	Welcome		Jim W.
> -- 
> Dr. James W. Waddick

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