Romulea/Zephyranthes wiki pictures and blooming

Mary Sue Ittner
Tue, 24 Jan 2006 16:36:58 PST

To get us back on topic, in between rainstorms there is a lot blooming in 
my garden. Some of these things are earlier than usual. Romulea hallii is 
finished, but I now have blooms on Romulea diversiformis, R. flava, R. 
monticola, R. tetragona, one of my R. kombergensis (I have two different 
clones), R. bulbocodium, and R. tortulosa. Some of the other species have 
buds as well.  I also have R. minutiflora blooming too. I had figured out 
what that was probably going to be from its corm when dormant and was 
disappointed since it was grown from NARGS seed exchange seed and was 
supposed to be something a lot more exciting. But it seems to be a small 
violet flower, not a great big bright yellow one with wonderful markings. 
Blooming yesterday for the first time from Silverhill seeds after four 
different seed tries from various sources that turned our to be wrong (one 
I couldn't get to germinate, so only two were clearly wrong) is the real 
Romulea tortulosa tortulosa. Hopefully I can get pictures of both on the 
wiki soon so you will all understand my disappointment with the one batch 
of seed. I assumed since it germinated and grew well it was probably 
something else and then when I looked at the dormant corms I was sure of it.

In the meantime I have added some habitat pictures from Cameron McMaster of 
Romuleas he has seen in the Roggeveld. Once again I raise the question to 
our South African members. When is there going to be a field guide for this 
area? It must be amazing when everything is in bloom.  Where is Ouberg 
Road? What an experience i to see these in the wild.

Look for Romulea atrandra, R. diversiformis, R. kombergensis, R. 
subfistulosa, and R. unifolia.…

And blooming earlier than it ever has (mid January) is Zephyranthes 
atamasco. I know we already have it well pictured on the wiki, but I 
couldn't resist adding one more picture since it is such a pretty thing.…

Mark Wilcox recently added a gorgeous picture of Hippeastrum × 
'Calimero'  as well.…

Mary Sue

Mary Sue Ittner
California's North Coast
Wet mild winters with occasional frost
Dry mild summers  

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