What goes around comes around...

Jim McKenney jimmckenney@starpower.net
Tue, 24 Jan 2006 06:50:35 PST
In response to Ken Hixon's comments: I'm sorry I did not make it clear that
I was not talking about material raised from seed. Because I mentioned
Griffiths recently in the context of his lilies-from-seed activities, it's
easy to see how someone might have made the connection. 

No, I was talking about his use of clonal Dutch cultivars as foundation

Ken also wrote " but my assumption is that he was trying to
develop varieties better adapted to american growing conditions, and raised
much of his stock from seed."

Griffiths both raised from seed and propagated vegetatively. The cultivars
he used were the then standard Dutch cultivars/clones. I'm not aware of any
effort by him to raise new cultivars from seed of tulips or even daffodils.
Griffiths was focused on what the market wanted, and what the market wanted
was Dutch bulbs. 

Ken probably has not seen the material I have at hand - two nicely bound,
thick volumes of Griffiths' publications for the USDA. These document in
sometimes surprising detail the activities of the work at Bellingham and

One title in particular I want to mention: Bulbs from Seed. This is a 32
page pamphlet describing Griffiths' experiences in raising bulbs from seed.
It's a good introduction to the process for anyone starting out with this

I've started to scan this pamphlet, and when I finish I'll post it on my web
site for everyone to see. The scanning will go slowly because the pamphlet
is tightly bound in its volume. 

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where temperatures up into
the 50s are predicted for today.  

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