On Jan 2, 2006, at 4:40 PM, Dennis Kramb wrote: > I tried this plant a couple years ago from Collectors Nursery, but > it died > after 2 years without blooming. I would like to try it again, but > it's no > longer available. (If memory serves, the original owners sold the > business > a couple years ago.) Do any PBS members grow it? Please contact me > off-list if you have any plants/seeds for sale/trade. > I also purchased this bulb from Collectors Nursery 2 years ago (now closer to 3), and it never sprouted that year nor the year after. I checked at the end of each year, and the bulb was still there and still seemed just fine, so I kept replanting it and leaving the pot to try again. This year it finally sprouted, late, but sent up a couple of leaves. No bloom. It's still in leaf, so it should have been able to grow or store some additional food this year. Maybe this next growing season it will finally bloom? I also received some seeds of it this year, and those have sprouted and are still in leaf. (We haven't had any good frosts yet this winter. Although we're finally getting a decent amount of that rain they've been getting up north; just in time to fall on the Rose Parade in town for the first time in 50+ years.) --Lee Poulsen Pasadena, California, USA, USDA Zone 10a