Hi Gang, 'Bayou Traveler' is a cross between C. oliganthum (West Indies Mini) and C. flaccidum (yellow form); it was created by Marcelle Sheppard. C. oliganthum is a diminutive semiaquatic Crinum, it will grow in pots, or flowerbeds, or damp soils. C. flaccidum is the interesting and not often found (in the USA) Crinum from Australia that has yellow flowers. Marcelle employed the yellow C. flaccidum in crosses with C. bulbispermum 'Alba' that eventually resulted in her Champagne crinums. But, when she crossed C. flaccidum with 'West Indies Mini', she produced 'Bayou Traveler'. 'Bayou Traveler' looks a lot like C. oliganthum but is bigger and a faster grower. 'Bayou Traveler' seems to be grown by quite a number of Crinum growers. I find it on the PBS Wiki page and on the IBS Crinum photo page. A friend here in the Houston area purchased the plant from Yucca Do Nursery, but it was labeled 'West Indies Mini'; so, this hybrid has even had time to get out there and be misidentified. Up till now it had no cultivar name; it was just C. flaccidum x C. oliganthum 'West Indies Mini'. Recently, Marcelle Sheppard decided to use "Bayou" as a prefix for her various hybrids that had semiaquatic parents such as C. americanum, or C. americanum robustum, etc. So, there are more hybrids in the Bayou series that Marcelle will get around to distributing. Jay Yourch reports that 'Bayou Traveler' is hardy in his USDA Climate Zone 7 garden in Raleigh, NC. Additionally, Jay reports that 'Bayou Traveler' has accepted pollen from other Crinum and has provided viable pollen in some crosses. Marcelle Sheppard is growing out seeds of 'Bayou Traveler'. Who knows, perhaps there is a yellow-flowered, semiaquatic Crinum hiding in her garden; another year or two will provide the answer. LINK: 'Bayou Traveler' http://crinum.iconx.com/html/… LINK: C. oliganthum http://crinum.iconx.com/html/crinum-species/… LINK: C. flaccidum (with links to Australian Bulb Association) http://crinum.iconx.com/html/crinum-species/… Cordially, Conroe Joe