oops!!! Mystery Bulbs on the Wiki

piaba piabinha@yahoo.com
Wed, 18 Aug 2004 13:19:21 PDT
sorry, folks, i see i'm quite late in replying.  i
just got back from a week away in SF, and i'm trying
to catch up with 300+ messages.  

while there, i did spend some time at the conservatory
of flowers in golden gate park, as well as the
strybing arboretum.  i saw of course A. belladonnas,
Agapanthus and Dietes everywhere.

--- piaba <piabinha@yahoo.com> wrote:

> i somehow cannot find liz's pic in the mystery bulbs
> page.  can someone email the exact URL?
> as for hans joschko's pics, the first pic (tucuman)
> is
> not very clear and i can't even make out the leaves
> for sure.  it looks like it could be a terrestrial
> orchid, Stenorrhynchus (or Spiranthes, or some other
> new genus they have transferred them to, Sacoila?). 
> i
> know these are in brazil, so perhaps they are also
> in
> argentina. 
> here's a species that occur in both countries.
> it could also be a terrestrial Sinningia with that
> flower arrangement. if you have a better pic with
> better resolution, send it to me and i'll see if i
> can
> be of more help.
> the 2nd pic (salta capillas) looks like a
> Zephyranthes
> to me.  i've seen a white species in southern
> brazil,
> perhaps it's the same species.  sorry i don't know
> the
> name.
> tsuh yang

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