Dear Mary Sue, This is wonderful that you have got PBS to hear words about Pelargoniums. The tuberous kinds (as well as the non-tuberous) are so well worth cultivating. They are the essence of refined plants. Not gaudy, but beautiful in form, leaf and bloom. I was also glad to hear the P. fulgens and P. echinatum have bloomed for you. I think it is probably best in your case to keep P. fulgens quiet in summer. I have a plant in the ground, six feet across, that remains dormant for months. In pots they are normally dormant also but with light watering I can induce flowering in summer. However, it is not the mass of bloom that will show up in winter and spring. I also have a pink variety that Michael Vassar gave me. My favorite tuberous one may be P. appendiculatum although it is rather futile to say which is best. This species becomes a plant a few feet across with the most gorgeous, soft, downy gray leaves you will ever see (much more gray than the WIKI specimen). Then it blooms very late in season (in May here) when most of the others are done. Of course, P. incrassatum is everyone's favorite. I think you've seen it in bloom in Namaqualand, haven't you? Today, of the tuberous kinds, I notice P. nephrophyllum putting out deep pink blooms from bare soil. And like the rest of the tuberous kinds it is in full shade, unwatered all summer. But, it's a bit early. (By the way, the first of my Nerines is just about to open its first flowers - also very early). Well, these are warning signs that I'd better start paying them some attention now and start bringing them out into the sun at the end of the month. Those in the ground remain fully dormant. I think that is because they are being blasted by the sun. One word of caution - tree rats love the soft foliage of P. echinatum for their nests. They devastated the best specimen I had last year, just as it was coming into bloom. Every cloud has a silver lining, but also a dark one! All the best Andrew