Lycoris frustration

Lee Poulsen
Wed, 04 Aug 2004 11:18:39 PDT
It's not because of frustration per se that I write (although now I'm 
frustrated that I didn't order any of these particular Lycoris that Jim 
W. writes about when he offered them), but because once again, Lycoris 
sprengeri is about to bloom for me here in southern California. These 
are some that I ordered separately as a species from Jim a few years 
ago and that bloomed a couple of years ago for the first time, skipped 
last year, and a scape of which, has just started rising from the pot 
in which I am growing them.

(From discussions past, I planted the bulbs in 2 gallon pots rather 
than 1 gallon ones, and am slowly transferring them to 5 gallon pots.) 
I also have a few seedlings growing from seeds that were produced from 
the bloomings of two years ago. How long does it take to reach maturity 
from seeds?

I'll take a photo when the flowers open up, but I can already see quite 
a bit of the intense blue in the buds.

--Lee Poulsen
Pasadena area, California, USDA Zone 9-10

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