Greetings from sunny, hot , humid and wet Florida. After a visit to Punta Gorda less than two weeks ago, I've started to put together a paper on Hymenocallis puntagordensis, a review of the species, plus new info on it's habit, habitat and its distribution of the species. Jim Frechette (kaemferia and rainlily breeder/grower) took a couple real nice photos. I just need some chromosome work for these new accessions, now. Smith did the Karyology of the typelocality plants, but since encountering other colonies farther north, these plants need to be studied more. ( the species has been known only from the type locality). these planst do not set seed much, but thewy divid nicely in cultivation. Bulbs produce offsets that have been divided and potted up...these can fill a 1 gal container in 2-3 years and then bloom in late summer. I have been inside a lot since it has been so inhospitable outside. So i decide to upate my catalogue iand just work in the A/C. Excuse the shamless plug, but several members have asked me to notify them when my site ( was updated..well it has been, but I have to clean up a few things. There are a few new offerings. For the first time I am offering some of my own hybrid selections. In a week or so, I will have Paypal on it for those who prefer that method of payment. Kevin Preuss