Dierama seeds

Susan Hayek susanann@sbcglobal.net
Sun, 08 Aug 2004 12:41:38 PDT
Okay, I got D. igneum, D. luteoalbidum, D. pauciflorum, and D. 
pulcherrimum from a BX.
Last week I put them in wet paper towels and covered the towels with plastic.
They are in my bedroom which is light and has been hovering around 
70-80 degrees. (NoCal is having a hot spell.)
The D. lutioalbidum is germinating, the others are swelling.
So now what do I do?
The little germinating seeds should got into potting soil? What kind? 
A sandy mix?

Would appreciate any help I can get.

susan, who is.....
owned by Jasper & Schubert the Standard Poodles, Gracie the 
Rhodesian, Pup-Quiz the Basenji and their Basenji brother, Jones.... 
on the North Coast of CA, USA
susanann@sbcglobal.net, copyright 2004

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