Hi Alessandro! Thanks for your suggested ID of this bulb. Since you provided not just the genus but the species name (Hieronymiella argentina) I assume you have information that would help us decide. I searched but did not find one of that species - only other species of the genus with much wider, flaired blooms. A botanical description, drawings or an image - could you send those, or any of them? Thanks. I placed this bulb as 'Rhodophiala sp' after seeing another bulb named in this way in the Wiki that showed some, but not all, similarities with the image I posted. Following on those lines I have recently received, from outside this conversation, a suggested ID of Phycella herbertiana. Based on images I've seen, that suggestion, though good in some ways, seems unlikely to be the correct one. Maybe it is not Rhodophiala but, in the interest of sound Wiki data, we need to have firm grounds for changing. Andrew Wilson San Diego Hi Andrew I believe or Hieronymiella argentina, not Rhodophiala Alessandro marinello Padova Italy