Lapageria rosea

Fri, 17 Sep 2010 10:42:47 PDT
  Hello James

I grew one here in Auckland against a wooden slatted fence and yes, it 
was absolutely gorgeous.

It took over, I couldn't believe it.  Threw up suckers and came up all 
over the place.  As there are neighbours on the other side of the fence, 
couldn't have that.

Not only that, but I was thinking of a climber on the fence, not a 
forest taking over the nearby trees etc.  When it became a battle to get 
even near it, pruned it right back and sold the roots to someone from 
Trademe.  Who kindly dug them up for me, and I tell you, there were a 
lot of roots to dig up!

So if it is happy, it can become a menace.  I wonder how it grows in 
Chili....  After all, it is their national flower.

And yes, their roots are just thickened and almost impossible to cut!

Ina Crossley    Auckland, New Zealand where we had the most atrocious 
weather last night, with guess what, more rain and more rain.
>     Does Lapageria rosea have a bulb (tuber or enlarged root)?
>     Has anyone outside of Greater San Francisco especially the 
> mid-west had success with this species?
>     I know UC Bot Garden Berkeley has a great collection but who else 
> even grows it?
>     Can anyone suggest good growing conditions?
>     Any words of warning?        Thanks        Jim W.

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