Minimum temp for Nerine

Max Withers
Sun, 12 Sep 2010 21:46:29 PDT
These Nerines bloomed only once, the year I received them from Telos. I
would like to blame at least the first failure on Diana, based on the 3 year
bloom cycle I now know about, but I suspect the fault lies with the
neighboring Cantua buxifolia that has grown 10 feet since I planted the
Nerines, shading them out severely -- or rather with me, for insufficiently
vigorous pruning. The goal of moving them was not heat but light.

As far as I can remember, they have increased in size (and leaves) since I
planted them. I believe that was 3 years ago, but I am also not sure about
that. It is still possible that they will bloom this year after their
transplant, of course. Most went into my bulb bed proper, unwatered in
summer; I put one in the adjoining "Protea bed": sandier soil, no
phosphorous, occasional summer water, as an experiment. I will report my
results here, of course.

Oakland CA

Where I can now report that Lachenalia aloides v. quadricolor emerges at
least 2 weeks before Brunsvigia josephinae and Bulbinella latifolium (which
I had thought of as similarly early winter growers). Also, I just stumbled
over the Colchicum 'Glory of Heemstede' flowers. (Colchicum and Lachenalia
both from esteemed list member Odyssey Bulbs)

From: "andrew" <>

> Coming in rather late to this conversation I'd like to know whether Max,
> you

have seen problems, such as non-blooming, following the move reported.

Increased temperature, as other authors well versed in this subject, have

pointed out is unlikely to be a problem. If the problem does indeed turn out

to be one, then indeed, you are at fault! But your fault is not with

choosing the hotter, drier place but in moving them at all! They may take a

year or two to settle down.

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