Hello! My name is Jude. I'm completely new "here" and would like to introduce myself. Some of you (may?) already know me, but I really have no idea who's on here yet! My name is Jude Platteborze. I grow a vast variety of tropical plants, unusual, rare, odd, interesting, and some common. My main foci is aroids, succulent bulbs (Haemanthus, Scadoxus, Scilla, Clivia, etc.), and love things that get big! I also have a soft spot for caudiciforms as well. I live in Northeastern Massachusetts, and travel down to Florida from time to time to find new plants. My latest bulb interests are Crinums, african bulbs, and evergreen bulbs. But I really like them all. Have a great day, and if anyone is offering seeds of any sort (Or bulbs, for that mattter), I'd love to hear about it and get my feet wet. Thanks! Jude