The bulbs which perennalize? naturalize?

Thu, 30 Sep 2010 00:51:32 PDT
Is it possible to make a new index of the pbs bulbs for the picture where they are taken? (such as add the post code where they are grown and time span for reference. )…
There seems are only some verities is marked as perennialize even in the climate of Netherlands. (in the last pages of the 3 photo books, but the one of lilies? And there are a simple list of the bulbs which classified to 3 climate in the last pages of the 5th photo book )

I always have a question that which commercial available varieties and species would perennialize in which climate zone, but I just can't find a comprehensive information.
Only some web-shop would marked some of their bulbs as vigor, perennializing and naturalizing for the location where the shops are.

Fierycloud, Taiwan

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