Phil wrote: >>Any other guerilla gardeners out there? I know there are, but since this list is online and permanently archived, they don't want to admit to it. Theoretically speaking, there are a lot of slivers of land around here that belong to the public but aren't maintained. I'm not a fan of putting non-natives into wild areas, but within the city it seems like an act of public-spiritedness to, say, toss a few thousand Amaryllis hybrid seeds along a weedy road edge when the rain starts. Maybe picking a different spot each year, to spread the wealth around. And as for surplus Amaryllis bulbs, well, it would be irresponsible to waste them, right? Especially since they're too heavy to send to Dell. The LA Times has run occasional articles on guerrilla gardeners who have taken over and planted un-maintained median strips in the area. I haven't seen that here, but one can always hope... Mike San Jose, CA