Amaryllis belladonna

Josh Young
Tue, 21 Sep 2010 15:11:51 PDT

    I grow mine in pots and I've had mild success, I grow them just as I grow 
all my other South American amaryllids in a very pourus mix.  Also mine seems to 
be a cross with Brunsvigia *thanks Nhu :)*, so that may be helping the 
situation!  I have mine in a gallon sized pots.

Andreson, IN 

From: Dell Sherk <>
To: Pacific Bulb Society <>
Sent: Tue, September 21, 2010 5:58:17 PM
Subject: [pbs] Amaryllis belladonna

Has anyone outside of the "Mediterranean" climate had success with growing
and blooming this one in the ground or in pots? What special things did you
do? I have tried planting them 12 inches deep in a sand filled pit, in a
cool greenhouse, and in a cold frame - with no success except a feeble bloom
stalk the first year - and no bloom, growth, or survival after that.



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