Leontochir ovallei

AW awilson@avonia.com
Mon, 20 Sep 2010 20:40:06 PDT

I am delighted to hear you grow this wonderful species, the 'Lion's Paw'.
Does it set seed for you?

Lapageria is, indeed, magnificent in bloom when grown under the right
conditions, such as you probably have. In the cool, moist climate of Ireland
it grew like we heard from our member in New Zealand, rambling extensively
and flowering for months on end. But, in the much drier climate where I now
live, Leontochir might be the better choice.  

Andrew Wilson
San Diego


It is a beautiful plant that has legal protection from the government of
Chile.  It is actually a member of the Alstromeriaceae.  The UCBG grows some
in their arid house.  I hope to see this more widely cultivated in the

We have a magnificent Lapageria in bloom at the moment.  It's easy to forget
how large, waxy and grand their flowers can be without having seen them in
person for a few years.

Jacob Knecht
Berkeley, CA

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