x Amarygia parkeri

Floral Architecture john@floralarchitecture.com
Sat, 11 Sep 2010 13:58:12 PDT
Is an old hybrid of Amaryllis belladonna x Brunsvigia josephinae. Les Hannibal 
did a lot of these hybrids in the early 1900's. 

The PBS collected and distributed these hybrids many years ago. I was lucky to 
get quite a few and they are just starting to finish. I have posted quite a few 
of them onto my Facebook Page (http://facebook.com/Floralarchitect/) also will load some 
onto my Flickr account (http://www.flickr.com/photos/15569340@N00/sets/) soon. 

I would like to continue making more intergeneric hybrids with them. If anyone 
has pollen from Brunsvigias or Boophane, please contact me. I'm sure we can work 
something out - maybe some Clivias??? LOL
 John Ingram in Camarillo, CA, between Santa Barbara and L.A. 
http://www.floralarchitecture.com/ "Your Clivia Connection"
New number >>> 805.914.9505 (cell, west coast time, please call accordingly. 
Thank you) 

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