Hello Folks, I have been growing Ismene in the open garden in Cambridge (Boston) MA for many, many years. The bulbs I have are pretty old (about 20 years) and the flowers look exactly like the ones on the original message. My plants usually reach (leaves and flowering stem) 3' or 90 cm and flower in the summer very reliably. The leaves are a light green and the remain erect through the growing season but start to look kinda ratty towards the end of summer and early fall. I treat them like gladiolus or dahlia and pull them up after a good hard frost. They stay in the coldest part of my basement in an old wooden tomato bushel/basket with the leaves in tact. In the spring I just pull off the dried up leaves and trim the shriveled up roots and usually pluck off the incredible amount of offsets. I should try to remember to offer them to the BX next year, but I think they're so common that no one would really care for them. I usually end up giving them to anyone who wants them or toss them out because there are so many. They're in growth now but If anybody wants some next year, please let me know privately and I'll be glad to send you some. Warm Regards, Fred Biasella Cambridge (Boston) MA USDA Zone 6B