Wachendorfia on the wiki

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Tue, 07 Jun 2005 10:24:46 PDT
Dear All,

Manning, Goldblatt, and Snijman's Color Encyclopedia of Cape Bulbs on 
Wachendorfia says winter rainfall South Africa, 4 spp. They are listed as:
W. brachyandra
W. mulfiflora (syn. W. parviflora)
W. paniculata
W. thyrsiflora

So that is a confirmation of what John Bryan has written. It don't recall 
this book ever including  subspecies.

I've added a link to the wiki for Bill Richardson's interesting article on 
Wachendorfia. We always try to link to other pages if we know about them 
where people can find more information. Anyone in our group can add a link 
like this. It's good to hear from Bill after several years of not hearing 
from him. Thanks for referring us, Bill, to your article.

Mary Sue 

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