
Floral Architecture
Wed, 08 Jun 2005 22:50:09 PDT
I am the owner of several P. glabarata plants. 
They unfortunately dried in the pots while I was gone for a few weeks. 
There is some green on them and I have cut them back. I've noticed that the green has extended since last weekend so they seem to be able to recover from this.
I thought they were summer dormant so I didn't think a lot of water would be required in my absence. The person watering for me didn't water as much as I do (or rather even less than I do). 
So, can anyone recommend care for these plants? I've done some research and came up with very little. 
I have divided one plant into several fans that I hope will eventually root out. 
So, what I am asking is overall care and propagation recommendations. 

John Ingram in L.A., CA. "Your Clivia Connection"
310.709.1613 (cell, west coast time, please call accordingly. Thank you)

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