Lilium 'Preston Yellow'

Jim McKenney
Sat, 11 Jun 2005 10:35:44 PDT
I've posted an image of Lilium 'Preston Yellow' to the wiki. Take a look at:…

The name I've used for this lily is the one under which I received it many
years ago, and it is the name used by those few of us who grow this old

Isabella Preston was a Canadian lily hybridizer active before the Second
World War. She is best remembered for a series of Asiatic hybrids which came
to be known as the Stenographer Hybrids; these were widely grown and praised
in the 1950s. 

The history of Preston Yellow is more obscure. George Slate, writing decades
ago in the Yearbook of the North American Lily Society, mentioned a yellow
flowered hybrid from Miss Preston; I'm assuming that that plant and my
'Preston Yellow' are the same. 

This plant is presumably a hybrid of Lilium hansonii: 'Preston Yellow' and
Lilium hansonii are superficially similar. 

'Preston Yellow' does well in my Maryland garden - something I wish I could
say for most martagon lilies. 

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7 where the lily season opened
with Lilium grayi which has now been joined by L. hansonii and 'Preston

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