poisonous plants (was: colchicum leaves for dinner)

piaba piabinha@yahoo.com
Wed, 08 Jun 2005 07:55:27 PDT
hi arnold,

i wasn't aware Colchicum leaves were poisonous, but
being an apartment grower, i have some serious
problems with outdoor pests like squirrels (the worse
evil inflicted on plant lovers) when i put plants in
my firescape for the summer.  i soon learned to put
outside only poisonous and spiny plants.  that
apparently didn't help.  the evil furry rats
apparently haven't read the memo that says Adenia and
Adenium (caudiciform african succulents, not related
in spite of names) are poisonous.  i've read that
cattle in africa have died from munching on them. 
well, that didn't stop the squirrels from damaging
them and i have not noticed any drop on the squirrel
population around here.

now only spiny euphorbias go outside and these the
squirrels leave alone.  

tsuh yang

--- Arnold Trachtenberg <arnold@nj.rr.com> wrote:

> Taken on a rainy day.

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