Hi: During Carol's search it has been raised the question of identifying Hymenocallises. This can be a most difficult task except when comparing living plants. When an unknown Hymenocallis is in flower it would be useful to take note of the following data (valid only for flowering size plants) Flowering time (besides month, wether it is early, mid or late Spring, etc., this is quite constant) Perennial or deciduous foliage Shape of foliage (if leaves are petiolate like in Hosta or linear) Foliage color (in some species it is a pea green, in others light green and yet in others a dark green) Foliage shape (in some species the leaves are erect and in others arching in which case it is important to note wether the tips point down or sideways or 45 degrees up) Foliage dimensions (lenght and width) Flower dimensions Tepals shape (are they arching, or S shaped, drooping or rather erect?) Tepals and corona (in some species they are pressed one against the other, in others visibly apart) Offsetting (this is typical of certain species) Of course this is valid if you are growing them under congenial conditions, not for Wisconsin, Saskatchewan or Denmark in the open! All the best Alberto _________________________________________________________________ Charla con tus amigos en lĂnea mediante MSN Messenger: http://messenger.latam.msn.com/