Titanotrichum oldhamii

piaba piabinha@yahoo.com
Thu, 23 Jun 2005 11:58:57 PDT
Titanotrichum is a rather oddball plant in the
Gesneriaceae.  apparently it is native to taiwan and
there have been varying reports of its hardiness in
zone 7 in the US.  years ago, bill price, from
vancouver, grew a prize-winning plant (best in show)
that was exhibited at the AGGS (american gloxinia &
gesneriad society) 2003 convention.  see 2 photos


scroll down to class 44.

jim, i thought you were a member of AGGS or

tsuh yang

--- Tony Avent <tony@plantdelights.com> wrote:
> Jim:
> 	We have grown Titanotrichium oldhamii for many
> years and it starts
> flowering in late summer.  It's quite a stunner. 
> Typical light shade
> woodland conditions seem to be perfect for it.
> At 02:14 PM 6/23/2005 -0400, you wrote:
> >Tony, you mentioned Titanotrichium oldhamii in your
> list of hardy
> >gesneriads. 
> >Although I've never seen it, I've never forgotten
> the description of it in
> >the Elbert's Miracle Houseplants: evidently, it's
> like a late-blooming 5
> >foot yellow foxglove. I'd say that there is
> definitely a so-far-unfilled
> >garden niche for a plant like that!
> >Does it do well for you or does it just barely
> survive? When does it bloom?
> >This plant has been in cultivation for over a half
> century, yet it's
> >virtually unknown, so there must be a catch!
> >Jim McKenney

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